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What are the Various Types of HVAC Systems?

To many people, HVAC systems that help to heat and cool their homes are complex and mysterious. However, the basics of air conditioning are indeed relatively simple. HVAC (abbreviations for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) is a complete system designed to help make the indoor environment comfortable.


Whether you are looking for a new HVAC, want to optimize the performance of the current one, or carry out some repairs, the first step is to understand how they work.


A breakdown of HVAC System




In residential systems, the heating component of HVAC includes heating pumps, pulse furnaces or condensing, electric or gas water radiant systems and forced air gas system. It also includes gas or electric boilers that have heat exchanges.




This component of the HVAC includes attic exhaust fans, ceiling fans, and indoor fan units. It also incorporates fair handling units such as the multiple zone, single zone, exhaust fans, and constant air volume boxes designed with reheat.


Air Conditioning


These are the central air splitting systems, evaporative cooling systems, wall mounted split systems and window units. They also include chilled water systems as well as direct expansion units.


In any HVAC system, the air-conditioner is the air types that comprise of the exterior and interior units that feature specialized components. The core components of every HVAC unit include:


  1. Specialized cables and refrigerant line networks that connect to each other.
  2. The refrigerant that is circulated through the connected lines. It changes from a liquid into a gas or vice versa. 
  3. An evaporator that helps to change the liquid or gas into a different state to absorb heat and drive cool air to cool the house.
  4. The gaseous refrigerant that goes into the condenser and is converted into a liquid form. This means that it releases some heat which is dissipated into the outdoor air. When this process is repeated rapidly, your indoor space is assured of a cool and comfortable environment




This is another type of HVAC unit. Furnace HVAC use fuel that is fed through an onsite storage tank that requires regular replenishing by a utility company, supply lines or fuel supplier.


The most popular choice of HVAC furnaces is the electric model. However, these furnaces are expensive because they use heating elements that can spike your power bills.


Air-Source Heat Pumps


This is another category of HVAC used in some residential facilities. The system uses a refrigerant to capture heat and moving it from one point to another.


To heat your indoor environment, outdoor coils act as evaporators. However, indoor evaporators act as the evaporators for the refrigerant when you want to cool the house.


To cool a house, the refrigerant changes from a liquid to a gas by absorbing heat and carrying it away. The cycle continues until the targeted indoor temperature is achieved.


When you decide to install a new HVAC or replace the existing one, the most important thing is ensuring you understand how the system works and ordering the right piece. You should ensure that the HVAC system is installed by an expert and is maintained in top condition for proper performance.