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Navigating the Supplier Portal
Vendors interested in learning how to navigate our Supplier Portal are invited to a presentation on Jan. 24, 2014, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Centennial Office Building, 658 Cedar St., St.
Paul. You will learn: How to Access the Supplier Portal, Create a User ID, Find Bid Events, Place a Bid, Find Bid Tabulation Results, Review Vendor Payments & Maintain Supplier Information. Pre-registration is required. Contact Philip Treat at 651.259.3610 or by email ( with registration information (Company Name, Phone Number, Address, Cell Number & Email Address).
NOTE: The first 40 vendors to register will be admitted to each session. Additional sessions will be scheduled based on the number of registrations received.
Vendor Registration & Payment Questions
Vendors interested in doing business with the state of Minnesota must register through the Supplier Portal, which is part of the state's new accounting and procurement system. The Supplier Portal consolidates the state's vendor registration function and provides vendors with new options. Before you log in to the Supplier Portal for the first time, it is important that you review the comprehensive resources on registration for current and new vendors at Vendor Registration & Payment Questions (
Registered vendors will be able to view certain solicitation announcements through the Supplier portal. An added benefit is the ability to respond to certain solicitations in an online bidding process. Those solicitations will generally be "one-time